Ekya School Bengaluru

School Name Ekya School
Address / Location
No. 16, 6Th 'B' Main Iii Phase J.P. Nagar Bengaluru Karnataka India 560078 (Map)
User Rating 5/5 based on 3 reviews
Phone Number(s) 08**26**85**08**65**11** - login to view
Email Address head@********* - login to view
Website Link ka051cisce.org
Recognization by Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE)
Affiliation Number KA**1 - login to view
Principal / Headmaster Dr. Sabitha Ramamurthy
Education System Co-ed., Day, Permanent
Nearby Post Offices J P Nagar, JP Nagar III Phase, Yelachenahalli and Kumaraswamy Layout
Other Places Find Schools in Belgaum, Tumkur, Gulbarga, Mysore, Shimoga, Kolar, Hassan, Bidar, Mandya, Raichur, Chitradurga, Davanagere, Bagalkot, Bellary and Haveri
General Description
Ekya School (ES) located at No. 16, 6th 'b' Main III Phase J.P. Nagar BENGALURU is one of the popular schools in India. The School has been rated by 22 people on iCBSE. It has been reviewed by 3 people with an average rating of 5 stars out of 5. The School has been recognized by Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations since a long time. The Ekya School has been viewed 381 times by the visitors on iCBSE. This School is counted among the top-rated Schools in Karnataka with an excellent academic track record. If you're looking for more details regarding results, application forms, syllabus, examinations schedule and admission procedure, kindly contact the relevant department of the school.
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Location on Map
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques 1.: Where is Ekya School located at?
Ans.: The complete address of Ekya School according to iCBSE is: No. 16, 6Th 'B' Main Iii Phase J.P. Nagar Bengaluru Karnataka India 560078. You may want to contact the School to confirm the working hours before visiting.

Ques 2.: What is the official website of Ekya School?
Ans.: Ekya School's website can be accessed online at the URL ka051cisce.org. iCBSE always recommend you to refer the official site of the School.

Ques 3.: Which board is Ekya School affiliated with?
Ans.: Ekya School is a ICSE school which is affiliated by Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) as a Co-ed., Day, Permanent school. It is currently headed by Dr. Sabitha Ramamurthy as the principal.

Ques 4.: What post offices can be found near to Ekya School?
Ans.: We found a total of 4 post offices found nearby to Ekya School. They are: J P Nagar, JP Nagar III Phase, Yelachenahalli, Kumaraswamy Layout.

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Reviews of Ekya School

Aman sharma (Student - Class 10) reviewed 2 years ago
Avatar Infrastructure- The infrastructure of the school is awesome. Their labs and other facilities are well maintained. Great admin team. Overall good school for the kid’s future... I will highly recommend and appreciate the work for management

Faculty: 5/5 Academic: 5/5 Social Life: 5/5 Infrastructure: 5/5
Sunil Yadav (Student - Academic) reviewed 2 years ago
Avatar " Academics- The in-house curriculum followed by Ekya is the best foundation for a student’s future. They empower kids by allowing them to think independently and come to a conclusion of their own. ".

Faculty: 5/5 Academic: 5/5 Social Life: 5/5 Infrastructure: 5/5
Priyanka Singh (Teacher - Good) reviewed 2 years ago
Avatar Ekya is the best school in the present times... When everyone else is willing to participate in the rat race, this school is more focused on a child's overall education and growth.. best performance from them.

Faculty: 4/5 Academic: 4/5 Social Life: 4/5 Infrastructure: 4/5

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