Athenia High School Saharanpur

School Name Athenia High School
Address / Location
Village Mohiuddinpur, Navada Tivaya Road Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh India 247001 (Map)
Phone Number(s) 98**54**21 - login to view
Email Address akhurana2100@********* - login to view
Recognization by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Affiliation Number 21**98** - login to view
Principal / Headmaster Mr.surya Mani Upadhyay
Status Secondary School School
Affiliation Period From 1/4/2018 to 31/3/2021
Type Independent
Founded In Year 2016
Principal Qualification M. SC. (CHEM), NET (CHEM), M. TECH
Principal Work Experience 1 years in administration and 6 years in teaching
Affiliation Type Provisional Affiliation
Society/Trust Name Athenia Higher Education Society
Education System Co-educational
Learning Medium English Primary Language
Date Inaugurated 4/6/2017 12:00:00 AM
Nearby Post Offices Badheri Ghoghu, Bajoria Marg, Baliakheri, Chakrata Road, Dhakdei, Gatta Mill, Gopal Nagar, Hakikat Nagar, Halalpur, Harpal, Hassanpur, Kailashpur, Kankarkui, Khalapar, Khalasi Line, Khumran Pul, Labour Colony, Lakhi Gate, Macharheri, Malhipur, Mangal Nagar, Mavi Kalan, Mazahir Uloom, Mission Compound, Nagrajpur, Nandi Firozpur, Narainpuri, Nazirpura Devli, Nehru Market, Paper Mill, Phandpuri, Pheraheri, Pundain, Qutubsher, Rani Bazar, Sabdalpur, Sadak Dudhli, Saharanpur City, Saharanpur, Saharanpur Kutchery, Salempur Bhukheri, SHariya, Shekhpura Qudeem, Sunheti Kharkhari, Tiwaya, Unali, Veer Nagar, Narayanpuri, Qutubshei and S.Hariya
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Provisional Rating 3.8/5 Based on 7 ratings by visitors
General Description
Athenia High School (AHS) located at Village Mohiuddinpur, Navada Tivaya Road Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh is one of the popular schools in India. The School has been rated by 7 people on iCBSE. The School has been recognized by Central Board of Secondary Education since a long time. The Athenia High School has been viewed 2196 times by the visitors on iCBSE. This School is counted among the top-rated Schools in Uttar Pradesh with an excellent academic track record. If you're looking for more details regarding examinations schedule, results, admission procedure, application forms and syllabus, kindly contact the relevant department of the school.
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Location on Map
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Ques 1.: Where is Athenia High School located at?
Ans.: The complete address of Athenia High School according to iCBSE is: Village Mohiuddinpur, Navada Tivaya Road Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh India 247001. You may want to contact the School to confirm the working hours before visiting.

Ques 2.: When was Athenia High School was founded and opened on?
Ans.: This school was founded in the year 2016 and opened on 4/6/2017 12:00:00 AM according to an official source.

Ques 3.: Who is heading Athenia High School as the principal?
Ans.: The school is currently headed by MR.SURYA MANI UPADHYAY. The principal of the school is M. Sc. (Chem), NET (Chem), M. Tech qualified and has experience of 1 + 6 years in administration and teaching, respectively.

Ques 4.: Which board is Athenia High School affiliated with?
Ans.: The Athenia High School is a Secondary School School which is affiliated by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) from 1/4/2018 to 31/3/2021 with Provisional affiliation type. Please contact the school for present affiliation status.

Ques 5.: What post offices can be found near to Athenia High School?
Ans.: We found a total of 50 post offices found nearby to Athenia High School. They are: Badheri Ghoghu, Bajoria Marg, Baliakheri, Chakrata Road, Dhakdei, Gatta Mill, Gopal Nagar, Hakikat Nagar, Halalpur, Harpal, Hassanpur, Kailashpur, Kankarkui, Khalapar, Khalasi Line, Khumran Pul, Labour Colony, Lakhi Gate, Macharheri, Malhipur, Mangal Nagar, Mavi Kalan, Mazahir Uloom, Mission Compound, Nagrajpur, Nandi Firozpur, Narainpuri, Nazirpura Devli, Nehru Market, Paper Mill, Phandpuri, Pheraheri, Pundain, Qutubsher, Rani Bazar, Sabdalpur, Sadak Dudhli, Saharanpur City, Saharanpur, Saharanpur Kutchery, Salempur Bhukheri, SHariya, Shekhpura Qudeem, Sunheti Kharkhari, Tiwaya, Unali, Veer Nagar, Narayanpuri, Qutubshei, S.Hariya.

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