CAT Practice Test

CAT 2011 Practice Test

To familiarize CAT aspirants with the online format of the examination a 'practice test' paper will be released.

The 'practice test' has been designed to provide a comprehensive overview of what to expect on the day of the examination for admissions to Indian Institutes of Management.

The practice test will be available on There will be a tutorial followed by 12 sample questions in the practice test and the candidates can take it as many times they wish.

The sample questions in the practice test would, however, not be representative of the content or difficulty level of the actual test. The tutorial will explain features like navigation around the screen, question number, on-screen timer, next button, previous button, mark button, review button and quit test button.

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa
May 09th, 2024 - Thursday

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