CGPA Calculator

Grade Table:

Subject Grade Grade Point (GP) Marks Range Percentage


Overall Percentage

CGPA to Percentage
Percentage to CGPA
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Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

  • What is the full form of CGPA?

    CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average.
  • What exactly is CGPA?

    It is the average of Grade Points obtained in all the subjects excluding additional 6 th subject as per Scheme of Studies.
  • How to calculate percentage from CGPA?

    You can use the above calculator to convert the grade. You can also do it manually by multiplying 9.5 with the overall result or with each subject’s grade.
  • Why multiply with 9.5 only?

    The Board took the result of the last five years and calculated the average marks of all candidates who had scored between 91 and 100. That average turned out to be close to 95 marks. Since the equivalent Grade Point for the 91-100 band (A1 grade) of marks is 10, it then divided the average result of 95 by 10. The result is 9.5.
  • Does CBSE still give grades in result?

    Grading system is no longer shown in the report card of class 10 due to the abolishment of CCE pattern. Now the result will be shown in percentage form only.


CBSE has launched a new system for displaying results of class 10 as per the CCE (Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation) system in the form of grading system known as CGPA in the year 2010. It stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It does not show the exact percentage of the candidate rather it shows a grade which fall into different range of percentages. These grades are to be converted into points up to 10 in each subject. It indicates the result in the form of grades from A to E. Grade E is equivalent to fail, rest all the grades before E depicts pass.

CBSE has provided the following formula to calculate the approximate percentage marks in each subject and overall result:

  • Subject wise indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 X GP of the subject

  • Overall indicative percentage of marks = 9.5 X CGPA

The CGPA calculator is a quick way to access percentage by converting grades into marks. The system software automatically calculates the result effectively without putting the students into the burden of manual calculations. There is no need to mention the subject name as it will not affect the outcome. The result will be shown as per subject 1, subject 2 and so on. Students need to click the acquired grade varying between A1 to E2 in each subject.

The grades can be allotted to maximum 7 subjects but as per the CBSE guidelines it considers the main 5 subject excluding the additional subjects. The calculator constitutes the following options:

  • Blue box: it indicates the option to reload the result if the student wants to see again.

  • Red box: If entered wrong grade by mistake then there is an option of reset in green box to enter the grades again.

  • Green box: it shows the desired option to calculate the percentage after entering the grades of all the subjects.

There are two bars below the calculator which converts the result either way i.e. from CGPA to percentage or from percentage to CGPA. Candidates are required to type their result in respective form and the conversion will be shown below within seconds.

However, the CGPA grading system is no longer shown in repost card since academic year 2017-18 as CBSE has abolished the CCE pattern and it is back to the percentage system.

As per the latest CBSE criteria the grading system has gone through major changes. The grades will be awarded to students as per their rank all over the country. It shows the real position where a s student stands as per their marks in comparison to the peers. The number of passing candidates must be more than 500 in the subject to be capable of being assessed under grades. The ranking will be done on the basis of top 1/8 the no. Of passed candidate or 12.5% followed by the next lot. This system strictly determines the result as per the overall result of all the candidates. Like the old system this too varies between 9-pointer scaling ranging from A1 to E.

If the number of passing students is less than 500 in any subject then the old method will be used to calculate the result.

Reference Grade Table

CBSE CCE CGPA Calculation Grade Chart


Qualified for Admission to Higher Classes
Eligible for Improvement of Performance
Not Eligible for Improvement of Performance
Appeared for Upgradation of Performance/ Additional Subject
Transfer Case
Not Eligible
Not Registered
Result Withheld
Unfair Means
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April 25th, 2024 - Thursday

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