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CBSE Physics Question Paper was leaked, Confirmed!

Published 10 years ago

A website named 'e-pao.net' published an article disclosing the leakage of of Physics examination conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) on March 5, 2014. Following the report, the board announced the conduct of re-examination in Manipur.

The leakage is said to be made in Imphal (capital of the Indian state of Manipur) and allegedly all three sets of the Physics question paper were available online and offline a day before the day of exam.

All the three sets of question paper for Physics for class XII, which we uploaded on our website as “leaked out” question paper sold in the State for a sum of Rs. 3000 to Rs. 5000 turning out to be the exact question paper for the examination which was distributed among the examinees on March 5.

Before uploading the “leaked out” question paper on our website, we contacted every possible forum related to CBSE for confirmation.

But the response we get was the usual ‘don’t listen to rumour’, which is very unfortunate.

According to CBSE Chairman, Vineet Joshi, there is no information of any paper being leaked anywhere with the CBSE.

He said, "CBSE has a tight security and there is no way anything can leak. However, I am going to look into the matter immediately to insure this news is confirmed before rumors spread even further."

There was an article published by a Manipuri news website, hueiyenlanpao.com on this front publicizing the issue and the an online link of the leaked paper uploaded on their website, but they decided to bring the article and question paper file down.

Below is the glimpse of text they published titled "CBSE Physics question paper for today on sale" and dated March 05, 2014 02:50 AM .

Soon after getting the question paper, the students thronged at the residences of eminent Physics teachers and tutors offering huge sum of money for solving the questions.

Some students claimed that the English question paper was also available before the examination and the same questions were asked in the examination.

All three sets of “leaked” Physics question paper were for Outside Delhi and they are to be used in other regions of CBSE.  The question papers have been uploaded on Hueiyen Lanpao’s website (www.hueiyenlanpao.com).

The question papers can also be downloaded directly from the link (http://hueiyenlanpao.com/mmedition/pdf/manipuri/2014/Mar_04/B9.pdf).

Earlier, there have been several complaints regarding improper conduct of CBSE examinations in the State. Notably, a student from the State had even topped the AISSC Examination few years back and the State Government had given huge amount of incentive. But he is not to be heard anymore and the school that produced the all-India topper has not been able to replicate the same feat. http://news.icbse.com/img/rw1-500x357.png The authorities concerned should properly investigate if there is a gang of question racketeers operating in the State.

Another website named Kangla Online (kanglaonline.com) which also uploaded the leaked question paper on their website took the article down but forgot delete the question paper file from their servers, which is still available online (kanglaonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/PhysicsLeakedQs.pdf) at the time of writing this piece of text.

The PDF file, according to it's properties, was created on March 4, 2014 (9pm), again a day before the board exam.

So we would like to draw a conclusion that the question was actually leaked in Manipur and all over the Internet. Please let us know through the following comment form, if you'd like to petition for the re-conduct of physics examination all over India.

Sign a petition to CBSE for conduct of Class XII physics re-exam all over India. Let your voice be heard! Sign here - http://chn.ge/1fKu391

We would love to hear your opinion and views on this in the comments below.

Authored by Editor

Topics: #CBSE #Board Exam #Delhi #Question Paper #English #Physics #Students #Form #Examination #Central Board Of Secondary Education #Security