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CBSE Integrates Disaster Risk Reduction into School Curriculum

Published 4 months ago

In a pioneering move, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced the integration of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) concepts into its curriculum. The initiative aims to educate students about disasters, instill preparedness measures, and cultivate a sense of civic responsibility. This transformative step not only aligns with global DRR trends but also empowers students to actively contribute to community safety.

CBSE's Vision for Disaster Management Education:

The CBSE Disaster Management course has undergone a significant transformation to include the latest principles of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The key objectives of this integration are:

Interdisciplinary Approach and Teacher Guidelines:

To ensure a seamless integration of DRR into the curriculum, CBSE has provided guidelines for teachers. These guidelines encompass class-wise and subject-wise topics in NCERT textbooks, allowing teachers to create awareness about DRR in their classrooms. Key aspects include:

Empowering Students for Safer Communities:

By implementing these guidelines, CBSE aims to empower students to:

This groundbreaking initiative aligns with CBSE's commitment to holistic education, preparing students not only academically but also for real-world challenges, ultimately contributing to building safer and more resilient communities.

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Topics: #CBSE #NCERT #English #Students #Teacher #Science #Curriculum #Central Board Of Secondary Education