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36% students failed in the re-examination: failure of students or education system?

Published 4 years ago

This year around 36% students failed the CBSE compartmental exams of class 9 and class 11. It shows how the education system is failing to provide quality students. Compartment exam is an opportunity given to the students who failed in their final examination. The ones who also fail in the compartment exams will not be promoted to the next class. This shows the deterioration of the human resource quality of the country. The students were given two chances to excel in their academic exam: the final examination 2019 and the compartment exams but even then, a total of 2994 students couldn’t cope up with achieving just passing marks. Securing mere 33% marks turned out to be a great struggle for the students. The concept of rote learning does not allow the students to think outside the box and thus, they are unable to answer the conceptual questions if asked in twisted form.

The reason behind such failure is also credited to the ‘no detention policy’ of RTE act, where the students up to 8th standard will be automatically promoted to the next class irrespective of their grades. This contributes to the careless attitude of the students. They don’t have the fear of failure and hence, they do not take the examinations seriously. As a student enters the 9th standard, the policy holds of no use and due to the traditional thinking of the students, they take the board exams lightly.  

Another reason for such downfall in the result is also the change in the marking scheme. Until last year, the students were given 15-20 marks as grace in order to beautify the results. However, from this year, CBSE scrapped the process of distributing grace marks. The students were highly dependent on the grace marks for passing rather than studying well.

 All the above stated reasons points out to the shortcomings of the education system which failed to deliver quality students which adversely affect their results.

We would love to hear your opinion and views on this in the comments below.

Authored by Sakshi

Topics: #CBSE #Result #Students #Form #Class 9 #Class 11 #Compartment #Examination #Policy