CBSE Class 1 Syllabus

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) prepares the syllabus for the academic year of class 1 for all the subjects. It covers all the important topics which the children must cover for the foundation stage. Students of class 1 shall study English, Maths, Hindi, EVS, GK, Arts, health and physical education subject in an academic year. The schools should adopt new and innovative ways of teaching so that the students grow interest in learning it. The use of technology and interactive communication process should be adopted.  


It is recommended that the package for class 1 should consist of a four lined notebook, a textbook, a workbook and a supplementary reader. The textbook should not contain more than 10 comprehensive units and poems.  The workbook will have the same number of corresponding worksheets as the number of comprehensive units of the textbook. It should cover the basics of English communication like reading and picture comprehension, writing, English dictation, grammar, vocabulary, textual comprehension (Literature) and remedial section. The supplementary reader will have about eight pieces meant essentially for self-study promoting reading for information and pleasure. The syllabus further includes the following sub- topics:

Applied Grammar includes pronouns, articles, verbs, adverbs, use of is / am / are, was / were, has / have, tenses, prepositions, conjunctions and punctuation. The books recommended for this subject is: English- New Broadway Literature Reader & main course book – 1 (Oxford) or New Communication in English – 1, class 1 by Ratna Sagar.

The objective behind setting such syllabus is to build up a student to be proficient in the language and be able to understand it while listening. It focuses on fluent oral pronunciation of words and effective communication in English.


It will consist of topics which will cover basic concepts, facts and terms related to social environment. The students will be given activities to understand the subject thoroughly such as making family tree, model of house, collage/ poster making, etc. The curriculum should include topics like weather and seasons, food and water, travel and safety, human body, plants, clothes, my family and school. Books recommended- Living in Harmony by Sumathi Sudhakar (Oxford), Wonder World Environment Studies (Indiannica learning).


The syllabus for mathematics in class 1 will include Mental Maths, Basic Mathematical Operation, Understanding and Application. It is formed in such a way that the student can perform basic mathematical calculations. The topics allow a student to practice the calculations quickly in mind. It includes the following:

The students should be able to group objects into tens and ones. Various activities should be adopted by the school for proper understanding of the subject. Projects like collecting objects from surrounding of different shapes and sizes like boxes, cones, balls, pebbles or pipes to understand geometry. The students will require math notebook (Small Square) 1 cm X 1 cm for practicing the subject. Recommended books- scholastic ALPHA course book and scholastic ALPHA practice book.


It is a new subject added for teaching the importance of good health and awareness of physical education at early stage to the students. The curriculum designed for this area addresses the health and physical fitness needs of children. It helps to create a safe and healthy environment for the society.



It will include topics related to basic general knowledge having one word answers like animals, living spaces, sources of water, modes of transport, festivals of India, odd one out, spot the difference, save electricity, save water, national symbol of India, important dates of year, etc. Book recommended- Brain Vita Updated by Nassem Khan (publisher Rohan Book C.)


The art and craft subject will enhance the artistic side of the student. It will teach a student how to draw different shapes, knowledge of primary and secondary colours, drawing and colouring of different objects. Reference book- Optima All New Art by Joel Gill (G. Ram Books).

The students will learn how to answer new as well as unseen objective questions, very short answer questions and short answer questions in all the subjects. In order to discourage rote learning, the students should be taught with interesting audio-visual effects in smart classrooms. The overall syllabus for class 1 is set by CBSE keeping in mind the growth and development of the children at an early stage. It aims at providing basic knowledge to set a strong foundation for the student’s further life.


The syllabus for Hindi subject can be found at