Tuition fee, Expenses and Cost of Education in Australia

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Study in Australia Cost

Average Tuition Costs

Although the tuition fees vary from one university to another, a rough estimate of the cost involved for studying in an Australian institute may be as mentioned below :

Bachelor Degree A$10 000 A$16 500 per year
Graduate Certificate/Diploma A$9000 A$16 000 per year
Masters and Doctoral Degrees A$11 000 A$18 500 per year
Technical And Further Education A$5500 A$18 000 per year
MBA Programs A$18, 000 A$48 000 per year

Living Costs

As compared to the UK or the US, living costs is much cheaper in Australia. Living costs can sum upto A$12,000 per year wgich includes food, clothing, entertainment, transport, travel, telephone calls and other costs.

Australia High Commission India

High Commission Address : 1/50 G Shantipath, Chanakyapuri

Phone : 4139 9900 Fax : 4149 4490

Scholarships available for international students wish to study in Australia. Students can log on to:-