Study in USA

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Study Abroad in USA

This topic would be very broad to discuss or debate, as it has the strongest backbone with infinite number of vertebras! Hence in this article, the prospects of higher education in the renowned universities of the United States of America are discussed. Focusing the dimensions of the wide educational opportunities in these universities would be the facet of this article!

Studying Abroad - USA

Why to study abroad, when you can have excellent educational features in our own country? It would perpetuate in one’s mind, who is envisioning themselves in foreign universities. But the question is more about taking a risk, to be more compatible with global exposure; it does lie in one’s hand to decide the necessity of abroad studies.

The United States of America is definitely seen as a potential source of providing higher education, as it is inundated by world class universities. These universities are known for their consistency in quality of education, challenging curriculum, variety of exposure, versatile program plans and many… The list of top ten universities in the world, according to the 2009 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), consists of 8 American universities and they are listed as follows:


Harvard University 1
Stanford 2
University of California, Berkeley 3
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5
California Institute of Technology 6
Columbia University 7
Princeton University 8
University of Chicago 9

Again, the above listed universities may differ in their rankings, according to the subjects and departments; for more details, according to subject wise, visit: .

But these universities are ranked by considering the research work publications, Nobel prizes, Awards, etc… hence quality of education is mandatory and is indisputable in these universities. The topic would be too narrowed, if we consider only the education and its quality; there are many features that would be phenomenal in such universities, such as unique design of curriculum, which comprises of international conducive educational platform, on the contrary to diversified culture; assorted learning options such as, executive education, e-learning, summer programs, and certificate training courses; dynamic options of experimentation; active social activities; incomparable varieties in academics…

The most important is the learning concept in these universities; i.e. most of the higher education courses would be having convenient learning opportunities, such as:

The article would be incomplete, if it doesn’t cover the job opportunities attained via such education. When an international student is in student visa (F1), he/she would be provided the part time job opportunity, while pursuing curriculum. This, of course teaches the students to gain even the practical work experience, besides the theoretical! Most of the higher education degrees, such as M.S. (Master of Science), M.B.A (Master of Business Administration), B.E. (Bachelor of Education), etc. would bestow the students with the OPT/CPT facilities, where a student would have an advantage of achieving a full time job offer!

Above all, it also inevitable to take a look at the cost of accomplishing higher education abroad; to be frank, it’s costlier, especially Business studies would cost more than 30, 000$. But to taste an exquisite lifetime experience, involving different culture; dissimilar people; altitude of educational research peaks; measuring the depth of international standards; realizing self-motivation (accomplishing a degree); it’s always worth spending!