CBSE Result By SMS

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CBSE Result

Results by SMS :

Rates for SMS for registration & communication of result per roll no. will be Rs.0.50.


Type cbse10 <rollno> Send SMS to,


Type cbse12 <rollno> Send SMS to,

The result of anything and everything causes clouding up of many thoughts. In the case of students’ CBSE results, the case is same but their expectations are different. The students tend to think whether they would achieve their target or not.

When the students get to know about their CBSE results, at times they are seen to be discontent and treat their results as the only thing in their life. When they don’t achieve the targeted score, they are most likely to feel that they have lost the battle. But they don’t realize that if they have secured bad result in exams, it is specifying the constraints that have been in his preparation. They must take the results in their stride and consider it as being given another opportunity to prove their intellect.