Note: This page was published 11 years ago, which means that the content may be out of date or no longer relevant. You should verify that the information on this page is still current while we're working on keep it fresh.

Performance Analysis Test and Pre-Announced Test

The ‘Pre-Announced Test’ (PAT) will be applicable for all Std X subjects and some major ones of Std XII. Four months before the exam, students will be made aware of the test they will appear for (on the lines of open-book concept). The test will analyse students’ analytical power. The new system will test "higher order thinking skills" of students rather than their current reliance on a rote-based methodology

Under PAT, the same passage would be taught to students four months before the exam. The student will be expected to analyze various relevant questions that could be asked. On the day of the CBSE exam, PAT will not produce the passage, but there will be questions based on it.

A formal announcement with complete details regarding the new system is expected to be made in December.