Orissa JEE Counselling Dates / Schedule

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OJEE Counselling Dates / Schedule


COURSE NAME On-line Registration & Doc. Verification, Choice Filling/Locking, Result Publication Date Report at Institute
From TO
MBA 07.09.10 08.09.10 13.09.10
MCA 07.09.10 08.09.10 13.09.10
ENGG. (OJEE/AIEEE) COMPLETED 08.09.10 09.09.10 15.09.10
PHARMACY 07.09.10 08.09.10 13.09.10
LE Tech (Dipl & BSc), LEPharma (Dip & BSc) 10.09.10 11.09.10 16.09.10
Medical 07.09.10 08.09.10 14.09.10