IACG JNTU Bachelor of Multimedia (BMM) Multimedia Course Structure

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IACG has structured the syllabus by keeping in view the industrial requirements to bridge the gap between demand & supply. The courses are designed by focusing on different fields and to launch a student as a professional in the industry.


I  YEAR: Common for all Specializations:

Focus is more on the fundamental concepts like 2D Drawing, Multimedia Basics, Print Media and Programming. Business Communication is an essential paper, which is incorporated to help the students to express their thoughts and ideas in a very effective manner. Yoga is required to understand the human anatomy, flexibility apart from helping to maintain the physical and mental stability, to get relief from the stress.

II YEAR: Common for all Specializations:

Student is introduced to 3D Concepts and given training in soft skills, audio & video editing, and presentation skills on par with the production requirements. The in-depth programming knowledge, gives an extra edge to the students while selecting their specialization in the next year curriculum. Performing Arts includes various art form like Western Dance - Hip Hop, Salsa. Classical Dance - Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi. Music Instruments - Flute, Guitar. Drums help them in getting the hidden creativity out and also to create own composition like jingles- etc.


III  Year onwards the Student would be selecting their specializations based on their interest and trained in any one of the Foreign Language like Arabic, German, French and Spanish.


Students are trained on acting concepts along with anatomy and rigorous training is given on Animation & Rigging concepts with a focus on scripting techniques.


Students are given training with, emphasize on Character Designing, Anatomy and Sculpting Techniques. Training is given on Manual and Digital Painting concepts for Texturing & Lighting Artist.


Students are given training on compositing techniques coupled with the Manual & Digital Painting abilities.


Students are given training on designing and programming techniques, a unique specialization.

IV  YEAR: One Year Finishing School Diploma:

Students are introduced to Production Pipeline and need to work on Live Industry Project as per the elected specialization.

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