AIEEA UG Exam Date

Note: This page was published 13 years ago, which means that the content may be out of date or no longer relevant. You should verify that the information on this page is still current while we're working on keep it fresh.

AIEEA Dates/ Schedule

Tentative schedule for Personal Appearance/ Counselling : 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM 2.00 PM to 6.00 PM

15.06.2010 (Tuesday) Maths Group (STREAM-B) (All SC/ST/PH/UPS) &(General + OBC upto 300) STREAM-B (Math) (All SC/ST/PH/UPS)


(General + OBC) 1-300

16.06.2010 (Wednesday) Maths Group (STREAM-B) (General + OBC)




601 and onwards

17.06.2010 (Thursday)

Biology/Agri. Group


STREAM-A (Bio/Agri)

(All ST, PH and UPS). SC from rank 1-200


Rest all SC candidates

18.06.2010 (Friday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) (General + OBC) 1-300 301-600
19.06.2010 (Saturday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) 601-900 901-1200
20.06.2010 (Sunday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) 1201-1500 1501-1800
21.06.2010 (Monday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) 1801-2100 2101-2400
22.06.2010 (Tuesday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) 2401-2700 2701-3000
23.06.2010 (Wednesday) STREAM-A (General+OBC) 3001-3300 3301 and onwards